The Subatomic Witch's Blog
Spiritual Healing & Guidance for those who can feel there is something more out there for them than what they've been sold.
These are some truths that I know, that are finally able to be expressed in an (almost) coherent & cohesive fashion...
This is more of me musing through the things I have learned & have been shown...
The atoms that make up our physical bodies are born of the materials that make-up the stars, our universe, every universe. When our bodies die, that atomic energy that was us- returns to its source and becomes something else, entirely. Bits of what was once a star, dead now, billions of light years away, has become a part of us. And in turn, bits of what were our bodies- will become a part of a future living body- many bodies, to be precise. Our physical forms will decay and break down, becoming part of the Earth, itself.
The energy that animated our bodies, the electrical current we held within- will be released into the Ether. When lightning strikes- we will be a part of that. When a radio is turned on and the song playing is sung along to, we will also be a part of that. Energy CANNOT be destroyed. It is a fundamental Law of Nature. In the same way that the amount of water on Earth is the same amount there has always been, just in various forms, so too, is the energy that makes up us, as well as all of the cosmos. But what of our souls? What of our consciousness? Is not our soul what animates our bodies? When we kill another living thing, are we NOT destroying it forever? No. We are a part of that flower, that tree, that small puppy, that unborn child; in physical form, only. Our souls are separate from our bodies. Our bodies have an expiration date. Our bodies can easily be destroyed. Our souls- cannot. Our souls ARE consciousness. There is NOT a scientific explanation known to man that can accurately explain this duality. Instead, you’d have to look to a field of Fantasy, Science Fiction, or any kind of Imagination, to get close to an analogy that works. If you can imagine a vessel, a one person pod that you can inhabit- THAT is our body. The person inside, is our soul. The soul is infinite. Every Ancient religion has preached the same message; "God" made us in His own image, "God" is inside of us, "God" is everlasting… Therein lies the simple & logical answer. To follow any variation of this message that allows, excuse me, that FORCES or encourages you to believe that death is the end & something to fear- is an insult to the magnificence that is, us. As humans, we have been privileged to be able to explore this and many trillions of other concepts, as we will continue to do for as long as we, the species, exist.
Reincarnation is NOT a myth. It is a FACT. Collective Consciousness is an actual phenomenon that cannot be proven, but is obvious in every living thing. The memories of learned behaviors are stored in our DNA that our future descendants can easily tap into. So at the moment of birth, we are already given an unimaginable amount of data & materials needed to survive, to work with.
All our bodies need to get going, is the spark. In the womb, we are a smoldering fire- an engine waiting to be started. At the precise moment of birth (and yes, I know this is debatable, & I’ll give you my take on that in a minute), to the exact minute/second, our bodies are waiting for the spark to start the fire- the key to fire-up the engine. That spark, that key, is the soul. And when we die, the key is removed, the flame is put out.
But, here’s where it gets interesting… There are billions of different key configurations that exist; so many that you couldn’t just take a random key and open any random lock; but, there are still only “x” amount of key configurations. For this argument by the way, I’m speaking of just one hypothetical key that is made for one hypothetical type of vehicle/engine. There are as many car manufacturers with all of their many different years/models, as there are different nationalities & genders of humans, so to keep it simple- let’s assume there has only ever been one kind of vehicle- ever made. That vehicle represents us, humans, in human form; our physical body. And every year that there are new vehicles made, that number represents the humans born, every year.
*And as far as the other key/lock combos… don’t even go there for right now… those represent all of the OTHER SPECIES, et al. Back to the example… So, over all of the billions & billions of human vehicles that have EVER & WILL EVER exist- there is ONLY a set amount of keys, made. An amount that may seem infinite… but truly that number is not. It is finite… as in- limited supply. Just like the FINITE amount of water on this planet, so is the amount of souls available to inhabit these vehicles. One key can and will open MANY vehicles over the span of millions of years of vehicle production. Period.
… so, to entertain the idea that a life is gone & destroyed, never to BECOME, after death- whatever the cause, is a ridiculous, & archaic, childish notion, that is illogical & mathematically, improbable.
Before the dawn of Monotheistic religions, civilizations like that of Ancient Egypt believed in Reincarnation, so much so that they built their entire Pantheon of Gods & their belief system around this very idea. The whole judging/weighing of the heart against a feather thing- yeah, that’s the same principle behind the Buddhist enlightenment & Ascension belief. “Spirit” cannot be destroyed. At worst, it can be thrown back down the rungs and have to start over from the bottom. If your soul is heavy with judgment and malice and jealousy against others, you will eventually come back after this life, inhabiting another body/vehicle, with some very hard lessons to learn. And this process will keep repeating this way until you have shed all of the bullshit you have consciously chosen across all lifetimes to hold on to. Period.
And since we’re speaking of similarities; this is like the Hindu belief where they believe they might come back as a cow or a cricket (or some other animal).
But wait- what about the one key/ one type of vehicle arrangement? Aha, yes… see, we as humans have decided to overpopulate and overuse our resources; choosing to destroy rich and beautiful, oxygen producing, carbon eliminating forests, to make way for fields to grow soy beans and graze cattle… … well, if there aren’t enough keys for this type of vehicle- see if any others might work., yes, we can come back as a “lower” life form. It’s a bit of funny Karmic Law, I think. We want to eat cows, yet we raise more than we need… the cows too, have souls… Look, I live on a farm. I have cows, along with every other conceivable farm-type animal there is. I am incredibly close to my animals; I observe their behavior- daily. I can tell you that while yes, as a “this” animal or “that” animal, they exhibit different varying degrees of personality & intelligence, and their own unique behaviors… and I can also say that there are some which have just a bit more.
But, why would we come back as a cow or a cricket?
Because there is obviously some basic skill we have failed to learn, or remember from an earlier incarnation. Does that mean your uncle’s cow, Betsy, might be your great grandfather? Um… sure? Possibly. But I think that’s too simple of an example… it goes further than that. We have more and more documented cases, every year, of children remembering in vivid detail their previous lives that were fairly recent. That’s NOT supposed to happen. We are out of balance right now, which is why millions of people are feeling/hearing the call to “wake-up.” We are not supposed to remember our past lives. We do however; retain the lessons from (them) deep down in our subconciousness, so that we can continue to grow in Spirit. But, with the rapid growth we are currently in, there is little time to reflect and prepare for our next life’s lessons. Think of it as starting school at an early age before you’re actually scheduled to start, and then, skipping grades- not because you’re super smart, but because there isn’t room for you in your grade level, and you've got to go to school- every single day for the next 15 years, without ever having a Spring/Summer/ or Winter Break- EVER. That’s what we are doing to ourselves, as a species, to our SOULS. Those who choose to NOT wake-up are en route to fail their classes. No breathing time, no respite, equals no absorption. This I KNOW is TRUTH. And I’ve realized as I’ve come to what I thought was the end of my musing, that I needed to come back to the “Soul enters at birth” comment… To sum it up, the easiest (& shortest) explanation I can offer is this; Numerology & Astrology, two practices/fields of study that have been around, hand in hand, for centuries, right along with the oldest of religions/religious practices… have their foundations based off of/starting with THE actual MOMENT (Day, Time & Location) YOU WERE BORN. In other words… According to these ancient and well-followed practices, LIFE BEGINS the MOMENT you are BORN… NOT A MINUTE before, or at conception, etc. Until the exact moment we exit the womb & enter the world, we are still in the “in between” of worlds. We are neither living nor dead, because regardless of physical form, we are an eternal being. If the car is damaged and undriveable, or never makes it off of the production line, that key will still be there… waiting until the next vehicle is available. It’s really that simple. That is why so many religions, prior to the Monotheistic ones, did not fear death, in the same kind of “Heaven vs. Hell” way that religions like Christianity, do. Before we lost touch with our spirituality as a species, death was truly the BEGINNING. We would die, and just like a wheel, we would start a new journey. And there’s something beautiful & highly logical in that.
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January 2022
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