The Subatomic Witch's Blog
Spiritual Healing & Guidance for those who can feel there is something more out there for them than what they've been sold.
5/29/2019 0 Comments Personal Road Map Course, "Getting to Know Thyself, Better" (Bonus Lesson: If you have a Master or Power Number in your chart)I'm not going to take too much time here, rewriting what has already been written so well on the pages of, which is where I'll send you too, here, in a minute... I've made a PDF to go along with this lesson, although it is not necessary for EVERYONE to print this page out, or to "do" the lesson. However, you can bookmark this post so that if we do find later in the series that you have a Master (or Power) Number in your reading, you can then come back here, as needed, to include it in your packet. First, let me briefly talk about Master Numbers (those numbers being 11, 22, & 33). When these numbers show up in your Reading, in any of your Core Numbers (Life Path, Expression/Destiny, Soul Urge/Heart's Desire, Birth Day, or Personality), it denotes an added aspect to your life's journey. A Master Number in one of the 5 core numbers will mean that in addition to your purpose in life, you will have an extra task(s) to do with additional tools/skills acquired or to acquire, to do said task(s). Each Master Number bleeds into the next, meaning that if you have a Master Number of 33, you also have ALL of the attributes of not only 33, but also the values of 11, 22 and if 33 were added together to be a single digit, the 6. In the case of your Personal Road Map... a Master Number is the equivalent of being a Master in your given job. So, as we learned in the Expression/Destiny Number (Lesson #2), you have a set of skills/qualities/traits that dictates how you will read your map & what on the Road Trip you would be best suited to doing... Well, if you were given the task of being the Driver of said Road Trip, having a Master Number in your chart would mean that you are an experienced driver, with all of the good and bad experiences that come with that classification under your belt. It does NOT mean that right off the bat you are an expert, in fact, it usually means that you will have to (in this lifetime) (re)gain that experience through some pretty hardcore lessons... Yeah, a Master Number does NOT mean it will be easy. BUT, on a good note, it does mean that through experience and maturity, once you have stepped into your Master Role, you will have EARNED it & you will ABSOLUTELY know it & own it, and be qualified to BE IT... whatever "IT" might be. Some numerologists consider all of the double same-digit numbers, including 11, 22, & 33, but also; 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, & 99, to be Master Numbers as well, but as you will read on, this is not correct, because the 1, 2, & 3 are considered part of the Triangle of Enlightenment, whereas the other same digit numbers are what's known as Power Numbers... *from, Power Numbers have "...a particularly strongly felt and unique influence due to the fact that the attributes of each digit is multiplied. Think of it as twin siblings with similar talents working together; their potential for success is greatly enhanced as a result of their combined effort." In other words, if you have a Power Number in your reading, you have a double dose of awesomeness in place to help you achieve success in this Life's Lessons. Alrighty... now that the descriptions are out of the way... There are two links/pages on I will suggest you go to to learn about Master Numbers, and two to gather info on Power Numbers, if necessary. The first page is your Introduction to what a Master Number is & includes the general qualities of 11, 22, & 33. From this page you will gather some notes, as they pertain to you (if they do/if you have a Master Number). (First Link)>>> Use this link, here. From there, I suggest a bit of extra reading, and with that, a bit of extra writing/taking notes of the more detailed explanations of (your) Master Number's qualities. (Second Link)>>> Use this Link, here. If you need to read up on Power Numbers, instead for your pages, that first page's link is included, Third Link)>>> here. And for the additional information I point you to for Power Numbers (single digit meanings) in the PDF, (Fourth Link)>>> use this link. The PDF included at the bottom of this post is NOT page numbered, so you can stick it into your packet wherever you see fit. I've structured it in basic List Format so that you can take notes on the "Extra Awesomeness" you have been given. And since the pages are NOT numbered, you can print a set out for each Master Number and/or Power Number you might have, in the rare case you have more than one! **Please Note- There are two additional sections to this packet. One is a 2 part coulmn that lists the Lesson/Obstacles and Tools/Skills you'll have pertaining to your Master/Power Number... as you go along in the course, fill in that info as you come across it. And if you need links for that info, let me know! For some of you that have already done lessons 1-3, you will be able to fill this part in already. For the rest of you, you might not yet have a Master/Power Number in your chart, but will find that you do in later lessons. I happen to have the number 33 as my Soul Urge/Heart's Desire number, which we will cover in Lesson #4. The last pages of the PDF are intentionally left blank, as we will have an additional lesson to go along with them at a further date. And that's it for now. Let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment below, or you can Contact me, here. If you'd like to receive updates as more lessons for this course become available, please be sure to check the appropriate box on my Home Page sign-up form... here's the link for that. And just FYI, the next step in this series, Lesson #4 (Heart's Desire/Soul Urge Number), should be up sometime Friday (May 31st). Thank you for stopping by, and I hope this series brings you some comfort & light in your journey. Love Always, T.B. Cooper
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