The Subatomic Witch's Blog
Spiritual Healing & Guidance for those who can feel there is something more out there for them than what they've been sold.
9/1/2020 0 Comments Personal Road Map Course, "Getting to Know Thyself, Better" (Lesson 7: How to Handle MAJOR Conflict; Balance Number, includes FREE PDF)BALANCE NUMBERJust in time for the Season of Libra and the Autumn Equinox... (Actual Post Date of 9/22/20 at 7:01PM PST... Forgot to change the date before posting!) From "The influence of the Balance Number flutuates depending on how "balanced" you are." uh-huh... yeah... what else? From the same site: "Usually, the Balance Number is more or less dormant. But it comes to the foreground and its influence becomes significantly stronger when you go through emotional turmoil, the Balance Number becomes important." IMO, that could've been worded a bit better, but hey, I didn't write it AND I'm NOT the expert... Um, plus I've kinda been MIA for more than a year and the world is currently falling apart at the seems... so who am I to judge? Yeah... so, looking at where I'm at right now; 40, broken, dead inside, learning to live and give AF again after some major dying/rebirth events recently that pretty much rounded out the end of the last decade- quite nicely (yeah, not really), I'd HAVE TO SAY- this description of a Balance Number (BN) TOTALLY MAKES SENSE... now. I'd thought it did when I first started writing/making this course, but now... the message of my Balance Number (9, btw) is CRYSTAL CLEAR, and I really have to say that I'm kinda really happy with how THIS number (Balance Number) is the Lesson I am starting this course back up on. I am after all, a Libra, so balance is sort of my thing... Does this mean I'm going to live to be 80, & 40 (when this 'rebirthing' thing came to a head) is my midpoint? Maybe? Who knows? However, upon further reading and finding out what my personal Balance Number of 9 means--- I'd have to say that I reached THAT point in my life, a while back, and BECAME THAT NUMBER. Now what, am I supposed to go back to the OLD ME? Or, maybe... maybe that's the PART of ME I NEEDED to KEEP? Yes, I believe that's it... After all that I've been through; the dying inside and self-loathing over the last few years, ultimately... I am who I am. And when I first started blogging & doing this website in 2016, I was aloof & introverted. I thought I was arrogant & self-centered, every time I gave myself praise... because society doesn't like (didn't like) when you do that. And the very last line of my description paragraph for my number, is where I finally had my epiphany, "You will receive from giving to others," and well, shit... THAT'S EXACTLY WHO I AM and WHO I'VE BEEN- forever. I've just really felt during the process of soul-dying & re-awakening, that I have nothing left to give. Yet... I've NEVER stopped giving... EVER. My methods changed and my boundaries have become far more defined as I've gone through all of this, but at my core--- I'm still that selfless giver. I'm just not a MARTYR anymore. That part of me is dead and gone. Because of this lesson right here, as I write these words... I KNOW this to be true (8:04 pm PST 8/28/20) May YOU, too, find your true self and rejoice. Okay... enough heavy shit. Let's get back to the lesson... So, for most of this lesson, we will be using a different site, called "" From their website, a further description of the Balance Number (BN): "What Is Balance Number In Numerology?Different people react differently to the challenges they face in life. Some people have the habit of withdrawing from difficult situations to think about the problems thoroughly; others withdraw from their emotions, to escape from feeling anything. Some people explode with emotions, but allow the explosion to pass quickly. Others linger with their feelings, thinking about them internally. You need to show more maturity and self-development to learn new and more effective methods of handling the world and the problems we confront. In this context, your Balance Number guides you on how best to deal with difficult or threatening situations. This numerology number tells you about the difficult times you would face in your life. You also know about the best way to use your abilities to face the various challenges in life and how to handle the difficult times." Great. Now here's some instructions for the attached PDF for this lesson... For the first part of Lesson #7, you will use the sunsigns website and as a warm-up to get back into this course, you will start by copying down & changing each sentence within your specific Balance Number description, into "I am" type statements; marking if you agree or disagree with each one. Again, this is just a warm-up. **Perhaps because of where I've recently been on my own mental & spiritual journey, I have this new perspective of the BN that honestly, I'm not so sure I would've been able to "teach" nearly as adequately last year, prior to my complete collapse into abject darkness. Just saying... Oh, and did I mention? This lesson will also feature a crossover lesson into ShadowWork, completely BECAUSE of my own journey through the darkside. LINKS & PDF Anyway, there are instructions on each page within the lesson for each part. You will need these following links... First Link, Numbers 1-4 Second Link, Numbers 5-9 Third Link, Meaning of Single Digit Numbers Other links mentioned... ShadowWork Lesson #1 Bonus Lesson, Labels Below is the PDF for this lesson
As always, as before, if you have any questions, please contact me- I'd LOVE to chat. Email works.
I'm also on Twitter, like, ALL the time, lol. More than any other platform really. So by all means, holler at me over there. Both links can be found at the top of this blog post. Lastly... I do apologize for the long gap between lessons. As of this moment, I see just two more lessons for Numerology, for now; Karmic Debt and Karmic Lessons, before moving on, temporarily/for awile, to Astrology. I am feeling a bit better as far as being up for these lessons... so-to-speak. So here's hoping I can pull that off. All my smiles and love to you my darling friends. Be kind.
8/2/2019 0 Comments Personal Road Map Course, "Getting to Know Thyself, Better" (Lesson 6: Your Inner Dark Self; Hidden Passion Number, includes FREE PDF)Slightly annoyed, maybe? No, that's the wrong kind of energy; sorry. Instead, let me say that I wrote this post on the 17th of July, and I am only JUST NOW getting the PDF finished and this lesson up. I apologize. But, let me NOT waste anymore time. Yours or mine... Here's what I'd originally typed out. O.P. typed July 17th, 2019 Alrighty. I'm back. It's been a minute, I know... sorry. Like I've said in the last few posts, I've been going through some shit and it's been a bit rough. I'm strong and I am awesome, but being that way- every day- takes it's toll. I was physically forced to listen to my body and soul and I ended up just sitting with the emotions, etc. and everything else that comes from burnout/depression/disappointment/ & being overwhelmed. It's important for me to say that, because I'm not trying to be this fake ass bitch that pretends to be happy & on top of the world all the time. I HAVE been doing good at keeping those feelings at bay for many months, but the past month & a half have knocked me on my ass. Every experience has a message... this one was to just sit & be patient and RELAX; something I have an EXTREMELY HARD TIME DOING. And, to be honest, if I'd listened earlier I would've heard that message clearer, but... I'm extremely stubborn. So, it took me that long to go through this lesson. It's like that sometimes, right? Some things take longer to learn than others. Well, so here we are, FINALLY... LESSON #6, your Hidden Passion Number. So what is your Hidden Passion Number (HPN)? For me, I like to describe it as the meat closest to your bones, or, more like your bone marrow. This number doesn't get as much attention as your 5 core numbers (Life Path, Expression/Destiny, Soul Urge/Heart's Desire, Personality, or Birth Date Day), but for me, I think that's an unfortunate oversight. Your HPN is your "dark side", your inner self. This number reflects your trigger points... the qualities that you possess that'll make certain things in life light a fire under your ass, so-to-speak. In regards to your Personal Road Map, knowing your HPN would be beneficial because you'd be able to look at where you're going and be able to see what possible stops you should avoid or at least be prepared for... like avoiding a certain gas station with notoriously long lines or expensive fuel rates because you know those will just piss you off. But, it's also not about what to avoid, it's also much like a combo between the Expression/Destiny Number & your Soul Urge/Heart's Desire Number, in that it's about what you're good at doing, but also LOVE doing, naturally. The HPN is to me, a truly important clarifier. HPN is described as a hidden talent that you have; something that you're extremely good at to the point that this expertise will drive you in your life. Now, I'm no Numerologist; so far be it for me to suggest that "their" definition isn't correct. I just personally feel, after reading MY OWN HPN, that the common description isn't apt enough. Well, you can see for yourself as we do the lesson... In the attached PDF, there are 3 links mentioned. For the sake of time, I will just list the links here. Everything else is (hopefully) explained well enough in the lesson/pdf, itself. But, as always... if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment here on this blog post, or contact me, here. If you'd like to sign-up for updates on this course, please visit the front page of my site. Here are the following links you'll need... Link #1 to (Hidden Passion Numbers) Link#2 to (Hidden Passion Numbers) Link #3 to (Single Digit Numbers) You can download the PDF for today's lesson, below.
6/23/2019 0 Comments Personal Road Map Course, "Getting to Know Thyself, Better" (Shadow Work Lesson 2: Looking back at ALL you have accomplished; includes FREE PDF)What have You ACCOMPLISHED, so far? In this exercise: Treat your life like a CHECKLIST Each life we live is different from any other life ever lived or will be lived; either by us or by the billions of other souls in this world. Some of us are destined for greatness, right now; while others are meant for something less grand, but still just as important and necessary. The point of Shadow Work is to connect to our inner selves and find out who we really are- from a “big picture” point of view. A good starting point to get to the nitty-gritty darkness of our souls is to start with the good stuff, first. And to clarify- Darkness does not mean evil; darkness is instead a reference to the wounds & scars we carry upon our hearts and souls. That’s where this lesson is going to take you. Today, we’re going to find some of that good stuff by looking back on your life so far… all that you have accomplished, whether the results were good or bad. And how we’re going to do that is by reviewing events in your life (good or bad, big or small) that you have completed in some way. I want you to close your eyes for a bit and think of your life as one big, albeit- overwhelming, checklist. If we apply this idea to this exercise, what it is we are trying to focus on is events that have been completed- either by victory or defeat. Perhaps when one event ended- you got ahead in life (i.e. a graduation or a promotion), or you survived something life threatening (i.e. a car crash or giving birth), or maybe you helped someone in a way that impacted their lives (i.e. introduced your friend to their spouse, or talked someone out of suicide). Only you know what your accomplishments are; and these can be big or small… anything that was a task finished, a chapter closed- is an accomplishment, for this exercise. “Anything that was a task finished, a chapter closed- is an accomplishment.” T.B. Cooper I did this exercise a while back, and I've decided to share my list with you. Any personal info such as names/locations, etc., have been blacked out out of respect for the privacy of those involved. But, maybe... by looking at my list you can get an idea of how to complete your own... **Trigger warnings for content in the next two photos** And yes, you can totally do this exercise on a regular piece of paper like I did, but I have made a PDF for you, included with today's lesson, that you can stick in your notebook or binder, or where ever you've chosen to keep these lessons together.
After you’ve started your list and written down as much as you can think of, take a few moments to reflect on each “event” you listed. Then, like you did in Lesson #1 of Shadow Work, you have several Event Reflection Blocks near the end of this exercise to explore further some of the events you’ve listed. Perhaps some of these you hadn’t thought about listing in Exercise 1. You can dissect these additional events using the same format to further understand the lessons you’ve learned from each one. Well, that wraps up Lesson #2...
Thanks for sticking with me this far. It's been a rough couple of weeks, but I'm getting through it... As always, I hope you guys are all doing well. Let me know if you have any questions so far (Contact Me). And don't forget that you can sign up for updates to this course, by visiting my Home Page, here. And if you missed any of the lessons, those links are found at the bottom of this page. Love you! |
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January 2022
CategoriesAll About Me A Life Worth Living Announcements Better Cassandraism Deep Thoughts Getting To Know Thyself Getting To Know Thyself Better Getting-to-know-thyself-better Infinite Truths Lesson With FREE PDF Musings New Moon Reflection Personal Road Map Course Shadow Work |